5 Benefits Of Indoor Plants

Carrie Rad Indoor Plants
Carrie Rad Indoor Plants

Ever thought about getting indoor plants but decided not to because you felt it wasn’t worth the time and dedication? Today’s blog post might inspire you to think again. I will be sharing with you 5 surprising benefits to living in a jungle of your favorite plants. Where my plant ladies at?

1. Purify the air.
Research shows that indoor plants help rid the air of common toxins and indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene.

2. Boosts your mental well-being. 
We evolved on earth amongst plants, it’s no wonder they make us feel at home. Plants have a calming energy about them and bring a sense of life to a space. Just the act of caring for them alone is great ritual to add to any daily routine.

3. Help with productivity.
Studies show that indoor plants increase creativity which helps with your productivity levels. A study at Royal College of Agriculture in England found that students demonstrate 70% greater attentiveness when they’re taught in a room containing plants.

4. Increase your sense of accomplishment.
Gadening in general can be a great way to boost your feeling of self-worth. When you care for a plant and see it thrive, it increases out confidence and gives us a sense of purpose.

5. Make breathing easier.
Your body takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The opposite pattern of gas use makes plants and people natural partners.

Long story short, plants are everything and I won’t shame you for your indoor plant obsession. I encourage it.


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